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AFT-Oregon Delegates Help Pass Progressive Measures at AFT Convention

At the virtual AFT Conference held in July, AFT-Oregon delegates helped pass a raft of ambitious resolutions taking on the health, economic and racial justice crises our country faces, and envisioning a better America now and as we build back after COVID-19.

Oregon: Expansion of participation in retirement benefits
Current eligibility for public workers to quality for the Public Employees Retirement System in Oregon specifically excludes Oregon public university graduate employees and employees below 0.50 full-time equivalent. This resolution commits the AFT to advocate for expansion in public retirement eligibility for graduate employees and employees below 0.50 FTE at the national level. Said AFT-Oregon President Jaime Rodriguez, “It’s shameful that we have members who work 10, 15, 20 years” and yet are not eligible to participate in their public employee retirement system.
For information on the other resolutions, please see the story on AFT

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