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PSU make significant gains in new contract

Local 3571 (PSUFA): After months of difficult negotiations, PSU Adjunct Faculty ratified a new contract with significant increases in benefits.

“Despite claims from management that budget cuts are imminent, we secured a significant raise, as well as increases to our professional development fund, and some important protections for Adjuncts,” said Kelly Cowan, Local 3571 (PSUFA) President.

Highlights include up to 3% increases in salary each year of the contract, based on minimum per credit and hourly rates.  A win for the union was an increase in the university’s contribution of $40,000 per year into the professional development fund.

 “We also achieved new protections guaranteeing PSU management cannot suspend funds in between contract negotiations, as they attempted to do this summer,” said Cowan.

Cowan said job security is always a priority and this contract gives preferential assignment rights designed to protect experienced Adjunct Faculty from losing classes to new employees hired at lower rates.  

“Thank you to all who supported us in this process, signed our petition, attended our rally, and came to observe our bargaining meetings. Your support made all the difference between management’s initial offer and where we are today,” said Gary Smith, Chief Negotiator.

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