At our recent Spring Training event, President Jaime Rodriguez announced the recipients of the AFT-Oregon 2022 Scholarships and Local Awards. Congratulations to the winners!

Carl J. Megel Scholarship
Aparna Gebstadt
Albert F. Shanker Scholarship
Tali Hastings
Shirley J. Gold Scholarship
Mish Ktejik
Deirdre Mackey and Grace Misztal Scholarship
Lidia Esther Munoz Paniagua
Deirdre Mackey and Grace Misztal Dependent Scholarship
Sylvani Starchild-St. Clair
Local Awards
Membership Growth
Award for Greatest Percentage of Membership Growth in 2021
Local 3571 PSUFA
Gold Political Action Award
In recognition of exceptional contributions to the AFT-Oregon Political Action Fund
Local 2278 WOUFT
Treasurer’s Award
In recognition of the responsive, timely and accurate recordkeeping that maintains the local’s “good standing” status
Jan Madlock, Local 9609 UAOSU
50th Anniversary Award
In recognition of the 50th anniversary of its charter as a local of the
American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
Local 2277 PCCFFAP
25th Anniversary Award
In recognition of the 25th anniversary of its charter as a local of the
American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO
Local 6020 AFT-Oregon Coast United Employees
Outstanding Contribution to Public Awareness Award
In recognition of an Oregonian who has demonstrated leadership that has raised the level of public debate in furtherance of goals of AFT-Oregon on important matters of education, health, public services, labor or other current issues of importance
Sarah Chivers, Local 3571 PSUFA
Elsie Burkhalter Award
In recognition of your dedication, enthusiasm and passion for community involvement
Denyse Peterson, Local 3922 PCCFCE
Communication Award for General Excellence
“Actively Retired” Newsletter
Created by Val Jack and Richard Schwarz, Local 8035R Retirees
Communications Award for Best Website
Adam Quinn, VP for Member Communications, Local 3544 GTFF
Communications Award for Social Media
Instagram: @psufalocal3571
Kjerstin Johnson, Chair of Communications, Local 3571 PSUFA