AFT-Oregon's 2015 Winter School sign up is here!
Join us for a weekend full of empowerment and educational opportunities. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet and work with other education and union leaders. Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to attend multiple workshops to learn new skills.
Register online here: https://leadernet.aft.org/webform/aft-oregon-2015-winter-school
To view workshop descriptions click here.
Winter School 2015 is planned for January 23-25, at the Hallmark Resort. Here is the address:
744 SW Elizabeth
Newport, OR 97365
Participation is limited to the first 70 registrants. So sign up quick.
Registration and fees:
- Early registration DEADLINE is Dec. 23, 2014
- Regular registration DEADLINE is Jan.16, 2015
Regular registration is $40. Early registration is available at $30, but must be accompanied by payment and received by Dec. 23, 2014. The fee includes registration, materials, Friday night hors d’oeuvres, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday morning breakfast, and breaks. Room accommodations and other costs and expenses are the responsibility of the participants and their Locals.
Cancellations prior to Jan. 16, will receive a 50% refund. No refund will be given for cancellations after Jan. 16, 2015.