AFT-Oregon is proud to host its 2025 Convention at the Seaside Civic and Convention Center on May 9-11, 2025.
Attend as a Voting Member
If you are a member of an AFT-Oregon affiliated local union and are interested in being able to have your vote counted in elections for the AFT-Oregon executive council or for changes to the constitution or resolutions, you will need to attend as a delegate or alternate of your local union. All seated delegates and alternates must be directly elected by the members of the local, so please contact your local union well before the convention begins.
Hybrid Convention
Our conventions are hybrid events, so elected delegates and alternates can choose to attend in-person or remotely. Interested observers can live-stream the convention. Contact your local union leaders for approval to view the convention.
Convention Representation
According to Article IX, Section 1 of the AFT-Oregon Constitution,
AFT-Oregon locals shall send delegates to the state convention by the following procedure:
a. Any local having fifty members or less is entitled to two delegates to the Convention.
b. Any local having more than fifty members is entitled to one additional delegate for each additional fifty members or major fraction thereof.
c. Alternate delegates elected by their locals shall serve in the Convention in the place of regular delegates who either do not attend or leave prior to conclusion.
Amendments to the AFT-Oregon Constitution and Bylaws
If there is a change you want to make to the AFT-Oregon Constitution or Bylaws, those need to be submitted to the AFT-Oregon office postmarked or emailed to convention@aft-oregon.org by March 9, 2025.
Per Article X of the AFT-Oregon Constitution, all amendments shall bear the signature of at least two elected officers of the federation introducing the amendment. The officers signing the amendment shall certify that the amendment was approved for submission to the convention by the executive council or membership of the local.
If you would like to submit a resolution to guide or change AFT-Oregon’s priorities, they must be submitted to the AFT-Oregon office postmarked or emailed to convention@aft-oregon.org by April 8, 2025. Per Article IV of the AFT-Oregon Bylaws, resolutions may be introduced by locals or the executive council. It shall contain the title and shall be submitted to the AFT-Oregon president as a text based document and a PDF. The resolution shall bear the signature of at least two elected officers of the local.
Convention Documents
2025 Call to Convention Information
Executive Council Candidate Campaign Information
More Information
For more information or questions, please email: convention@aft-oregon.org