HCU local 4671 members and their bargaining team meet to discuss issues they want to address in the contract they're currently bargaining. Photo by Justin Buchanan
Collectively bargaining a contract is never easy especially when that contract affects more than 1,200 educators and their families. There are many details to work out from benefits to basic day to day tasks. Just about anything and everything can affected by a contract, which is why it’s important every voice and every opinion is heard and considered.
AFT-Oregon local 4671 Hillsboro Classified United’s bargaining team takes this to heart. They're currently bargaining a new contract with the district, and hosting a bargaining blitz to keep members engaged and informed.
Not only do bargaining team members volunteer to sit and bargain across a table with the district’s management, they further volunteer to visit other worksites to make sure they have spoken to at least every member once. Furthermore, they work to make sure every member is informed about what is being bargained and the lines are communication open.
The local continued their efforts Sept. 23 with a bargaining blitz meeting at their transportation department. Members of the bargaining team spent the afternoon in the breakroom talking to members and making sure their needs are heard.
“We tried to bring the bargaining experience and information back to the membership,” Vice President of Bargaining and HCU member Dean Pfaender said. “We’re working to inform them so when it comes to ratification they know what they’re voting on, and if we need support for an action they know why.”