It’s time to organize! Now more than ever, workers and unions need to organize together and take back our workplaces. Accurate contact information is the first step in a raising our voices.
Please take a moment and contact the AFT-Oregon office, or your local office, and make sure your infomation is correct. You can also update your data online, just click here.
It’s takes just a few seconds, and is a huge help in strengthening your voice in your workplace.
Our opponents are getting smarter and stronger. Which means we need to connect. We’ll keep you informed about the latest anti-worker attacks and how to fight back.
Your information will be secure and kept confidential.
Links not working? Copy and paste the link below in your browser.
Link - https://leadernet.aft.org/webform/update-your-contact-information
Link - https://leadernet.aft.org/webform/update-your-contact-information
Posted - Sept. 11, 2015 at 2:30 p.m.