AFT-Oregon SCHOLARSHIPS and AWARDS are now open and accepting applications for 2021.
The deadline for applications has been extended to February 14, 2021.
Apply Now!
Carl J. Megel Scholarship of $1,500 is for a child/grandchild of an AFT-Oregon member who is graduating from high school and will be enrolling in a post-secondary program in the fall.
Carl J. Megel Scholarship Application
Albert F. Shanker Scholarship of $1,500 is for a child/grandchild of an AFT-Oregon member who is already attending a post-secondary education program and will be continuing in the fall.
Albert F. Shanker Scholarship Application
Shirley J. Gold Scholarship of $1,500 is available to a member of AFT-Oregon who is furthering their education.
Shirley J. Gold Scholarship Application
Deidre Mackey & Grace Misztal Scholarships consists of two awards of $1,500, one for a member, one for a member's dependent, who are part of a marginalized community and/or can demonstrate that their studies will work to advance the cause of social justice and help end discrimination.
Deidre Mackey & Grace Misztal Scholarship Application
Local Awards for Excellence in Communications consists of three awards in the following categories: General Excellence, Best Website and Best Use of Social Media.
Excellence in Communications Award Application
John Connor Memorial Award recognizes a member who exhibits selfless, spirited enthusiasm and devotion to causes of the union.
John Connor Memorial Award Application
Elsie Burkhalter Award recognizes an individual who exhibits the dedication, enthusiasm and passion for community involvement in order to affect change.
Elsie Burkhalter Award Application
Outstanding Contribution to Public Awareness Award recognizes an individual in Oregon who has contributed to the general public's awareness on issues important to AFT-Oregon membership.
Outstanding Contribution to Public Awareness Award Application
Send completed applications and materials via email to: karenb@aft-oregon.org
or mail to: AFT-Oregon,10228 SW Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97219
Please note: Members of Oregon Federation of Nurses and Health Care Professionals (Local 5017), Oregon Nurses Association (ONA), and Oregon School Employees Association (Local 6732) are not eligible for the AFT-Oregon scholarships, only the Union Plus or the AFT scholarships.
If you have any questions, contact Karen at: 971-888-5665.