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It’s been a busy week for AFT-Oregon educators. Not only are classes in full swing, but members are making efforts to engage their coworkers to grow power in their workplaces.

These efforts have not gone unnoticed. AFT President Randi Weingarten visited Oregon because she wanted to see this organizing in person.

“This is the most effective antidote to Friedrichs I can imagine.” President Weingarten said.


Collectively bargaining a contract is never easy especially when that contract affects more than 1,200 educators and their families. There are many details to work out from benefits to basic day to day tasks. Just about anything and everything can affected by a contract, which is why it’s important every voice and every opinion is heard and considered.

AFT-Oregon local 4671 Hillsboro Classified United’s bargaining team takes this to heart. They're currently bargaining a new contract with the district, and hosting a bargaining blitz to keep members engaged and informed.


When workers stand together they can collectively raise their voices and fight back. Workers don’t need to be in the same classification or even union to support each other.

The workers of AFT-Oregon’s Portland State University Faculty Association local 3571 joined together with PSU classified workers from SEIU 503 Sept. 9 to call for the university to provide its workers with fair contracts.

It’s time to organize! Now more than ever, workers and unions need to organize together and take back our workplaces. Accurate contact information is the first step in a raising our voices. Update your data by clicking here.


In order for an organization to succeed, regardless of its mission, that organization must have in place a plan for its future. AFT-Oregon is no different. We are in the midst of developing our strategic plan which will carry our organization into the future.


It’s been nothing but victories for the AFT-Oregon workers at Southwestern Oregon Community College.

After Southwestern Oregon Community College Classified Federation (SWOCCCF) local 3972’s back pay victory the members of Southwestern Oregon Community College Federation of Teachers (SWOCCFT) local 3190 won a former professor’s job back.

“We spent a lot of time trying to figure out what was going on and the college made getting accurate information a hassle,” President of SWOCCFT, local 3190, Bernadette Kapocias said.


As all education and health professionals know, people never really stops learning once they finish their education. There are always new studies and new techniques to brush up on.

The same goes for union work, which is why AFT prides itself on our constantly updated and relevant trainings.


“Unions stand up for workers even if they’re not in the bargaining unit … technically.”

This was the mindset of Southwestern Oregon Community College Classified Federation (SWOCCCF), local 3972, President Vickie Brumit, and the rest of the local’s classified employees when they challenged the classification of five test proctors at their college.

For years, the college hid the proctors from the unit claiming they were not classified employees and not subject to the union contract.


The union workers of Western Oregon University from both Western Oregon University Federation of Teachers local 2278 and SEIU local 503 gathered together to host a unity event as they continue their contract negotiations with the university June 9.

Approximately 60 union workers and their supporters gathered to have lunch, and to challenge the university to provide both groups a fair contract that demonstrates their value to their workplace.

At the rally leaders from both the unions spoke to the AFT-Oregon blue and the SEIU purple shirt wearing attendees encouraging them to continue the fight


AFT-Oregon and OSEA retiree member Everice Moro testifies against the PERS cuts in 2013. Photo by Micheal Platt/OSEA

“I’m just one little old lady who said ‘hey, this isn’t right.’”

With that mindset, that’s how AFT-Oregon and OSEA retiree member Everice Moro’s name ended up on one of Oregon’s most controversial lawsuits, a lawsuit that went all the way to the Oregon Supreme Court and was decided April 30. The Oregon Supreme Court ruled that the state must pay all of the pensions promised through the Public Employees Retirement System, or PERS.

The decision deems SB 822 and SB 861 the two bills